New & Old Table Top Sale Table


Looking for a way to make some cash? Having a Spring Clean? Want to sell your unwanted clothes but don’t have time for Vinted? WERFA’s New and Old Table Top sale could be just the thing you’re looking for.

SKU: new-old-table-top-sale-table Category:


You might like to sell second hand clothes, bric-a-brac, pot plants, art work, handicrafts, books, anything which is allowed at a car boot sale, with the advantage of being inside!

Booking a table buys you a 6ft trestle table space. Stallholders may set up in the pavilion from 8:30am – doors open to the public at 10am. You must bring your own cash float.

All items must be removed from the Pavilion at the end of the event at 1pm.

Any questions? Please email